Successfully guiding your imports to your door since 2005
US Customs (CBP) Clearance
Our Best Qualities:
Effective & transparent communication with you about your shipment
Reduced clearance times and mitigated costs
Simplified compliance processes
Minimized risk of delays and penalties
Enhanced security and peace of mind
The Basic Clearance Process
Complete our Power of Attorney and other forms either remotely or in office
Tell us about your incoming shipment so we can classify the articles and determine an estimate on the duties, taxes, and any permits required.
For Ocean Shipments, authorize CBS to file the Importer Security Filing for you, or your company.
For Air or Border shipments, provide CBS with an estimate of date of arrival.
Commercial Invoice & Packing List
Certificate of Origin, if applicable
Any Special Permits or Licenses for Regulated Articles or Merchandise
Arrival Notice
Bill of Lading or Airway Bill
We will submit documents for importation clearance on the day of the shipment’s arrival.
If there is an exam required, we will coordinate with the necessary parties to allow CBP to conduct its exam.
Once cleared, you may pick up your own shipment or request delivery quotes from us.
We will offer to pay any third party fees and consolidate these fees into our invoice.
Customs Broker Suppliers (CBS) is your Trusted Partner for Efficient Customs and Government Clearance
Even if your cargo is being transported by another party, we are your one-stop shop for navigating the complexities of import and export regulations, ensuring smooth and efficient customs clearance for your goods. Some goods are more regulated than others, and we can help with that. We regularly obtain permits and clearances from other partner government agencies involved in the approval of some imports.
U.S. Customs & Border Protection enforces laws and regulations for these Partner Government Agencies:
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF)
Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
U.S. Department of the Treasury
U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)
U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP)
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Department of Transportation (DOT)
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Importing goods can be an exciting venture, opening doors to new markets and opportunities. However, it's crucial to understand the specific regulations and procedures for different categories of goods to ensure a smooth and compliant process. Here's a breakdown of key considerations for importing some of the most common articles and merchandise:
Live Animals & Pets
Imports are regulated by US Customs, USDA Animal Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), and sometimes the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and US Fish & Wildlife (FWS). For pets, pet health certificates from authorized veterinarians should be issued and obtained prior to the pet’s flight. Pets or animals from some countries may require proof of additional vaccinations (i.e. rabies). The CDC and FWS may require that some animals only be imported to designated ports of entry; prior approval to import at a non-designated port should be sought before the flight. Be aware of any special restrictions or bans on certain animal species for conservation, ecological, or public health reasons.
Metals and articles made of metal
Some articles of metal are regulated more than others. For example, articles intended for U.S. steel mills are subject to annual quotas which can increase the total duty/taxes owed per importation. Some metal products are subject to anti-dumping or countervailing duties from certain sources (e.g. China, India) if the U.S. Dept. of Commerce finds that the commercial value or purchase price is unfairly competing with domestic producers. Please be sure to send us an email with your commercial invoice so we can research the total duties/taxes owed so you can you best prepare your budget for the importation. Examples of metals: aluminum, nickel, steel, galvanized steel.
Personal/Recreational Vehicles
For personal passenger-based vehicles, CBP enforces the laws of the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration and the Environmental Protection Agency. They ensure that vehicles, if not made in the USA, comply with Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS) & Emission Standards. Sometimes the labels found under the vehicle’s hood or next to the driver’s seat can confirm compliance. Other times, importer is required to obtain a letter of compliance/conformity from the carmaker’s corporate website. For vehicles driven across the border, CBP permits importers to clear customs at your local CBP office closest to your destination/home in the USA. Once cleared, you are permitted to register the vehicle with state authority for motor vehicles to acquire vehicle tags/plate.
For foreign-made non-passenger type vehicles, prior to your purchase, ensure that the vehicle was produced with a Vehicle Identification Number (VIN#) and that the manufacturer can certify in writing that the vehicle complies with both FMVSS and US emission standards.
Samples for Soliciting Orders
If you are interested in testing the market by importing samples of articles to be manufactured or sold in the USA, be sure that you are not importing a quantity that appears as though you may be able to sell the imported quantity. To be eligible for zero-duty treatment, the samples must be valued at no more than $1.00 USD each or must be unsuitable for sale. If your imported quantity is too high, your import is subject to an intensive exam by CBP upon arrival.
Minerals, Precious, and Semi-precious stones
CBP is interested in the degree of refinement or processing a stone or article of mineral or stone has undergone. Feel free to provide us with a description of the articles you wish to purchase and import, so we can properly classify these items and let you know of their different tariff rates. For semi-precious stones, CBP also wants to the total karats being imported, and we can calculate that for based on a packing list indicating the net weights of the imports. If the intention is to assemble the imported minerals, stones, etc. into jewelry (imitation or not) in the USA, then it is eligible for zero-duty treatment.
Foods, beverages, and supplements
CBP enforces the regulations and laws for the Food & Drug Administration (FDA), U.S. Dept. of Agriculture (USDA), and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco & Trade Bureau (TTB). For all foods, both the importer and the exporter/producer should register with the FDA as a Food Facility - for foreign companies, it will be necessary to apply for and acquire a DUNS#. We’re happy to coordinate that process for you. For foods originating from animals and plants, it is worth investigating before importing whether or not the USDA requires a specific import permit for that type of food. Alcohol, Liquors, Spirits and Beers also require an import permit from the TTB - there also may be tax matters involving the sale of alcohol in the USA post-clearance which must be reported and handled with the Internal Revenue Service.
Some foods such as meat, egg and poultry products must be inspected by the USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service upon arrival to verify compliance with US health standards.
Electronics & Machinery
Because of the broad array of products that fall into this category, it is a good idea to consult with us prior to your import to determine if there are any sensitive import permits to be acquired before beginning to import. Some machinery that emit radiation or lasers, are subject to the the FDA, and manufacturers must provide an “Accession Number” to demonstrate that the manufacturer has conducted the appropriate tests for safe human use. Other machines such as construction equipment or forklifts are subject to EPA Conformity Certificate Requirements because of the type of engines integrated into the machine/equipment.
Products from China, or purchased from sites like Alibaba
While it is easier than ever to communicate with producers in China to purchase your import, sellers in China are not always aware or forthcoming about your obligations as an importer re: US Customs and any other government agency. Typically, they make themselves responsible for producing the items you want to purchase and reserving ocean or air transport up to the first U.S. port. You see, because they are +12 hours ahead of the USA and not familiar with clearance requirements, sellers will leave that responsibility for US buyers to figure out in order for an airline, warehouse or port to release your shipment. Because sellers in China are not familiar with local transportation options, they also leave that expense for the buyer to sort through. We encourage all of our clients interested in buying from China to contact us for a consultation so that one becomes aware of all of the requirements involved before sending over their money.
Many Chinese products are still subject to the additional tariff ranging from 7%-25% (depends on the product) on top of any duty rate normally applied to it. Also, many products from China tend to be subject to (or later found to be) anti-dumping or countervailing duties (very common with kitchen cabinetry and steel products lately) which can significantly impact your budget and sales forecast for these kinds of items. Please give us a call or send us an email for more information.
Transport & Logistics
Fast and Flexible Delivery. Tailored to Your Needs.
Our aim is for same-day pick up as soon as your shipment is cleared no matter if it is one pallet, or one full container.
Your import is intended for your customer? We can direct the shipping of your importer directly to your customers at your request.
Need a few days of storage without the high storage costs? Let us find a suitable and economical warehouse until you are ready to have your shipment delivered.
Contact us today to discuss your transportation and logistics needs!
Other Available Services
Our Clients have the best experience when we can integrate multiple services onto one platform since we will be experts in how to serve you best:
Quotes for shipping via Truck, Air or Ocean
Seized or Rejected Articles and Merchandise
Fine or Penalty Mitigation with US Customs or any other other Government Agency
In-Bond Trucking with a Bonded Carrier
Consulting on Tariff Classifications and Cost Analysis
FDA Food Facility Registration
USDA Import Permit Application
US Fish & Wildlife Import Permit & Non-Designated Port Applications
Business Consultations
If you wish to start your own importing company (or any company) but are not sure where to start, we can help you there!
Our Legal Team can discuss with you the types of corporate entities available and make recommendations best suited for your needs and goals.
We can coordinate directly with the Division of Corporations to register your new company, acquire an taxpayer identification number for your company so you can open your company’s first bank account.
We can guide you through the process of applying for municipal and county business permits as well.
Have business partners? We can set up you up with the appropriate contracts to govern your partnership.
When you are ready, we are ready.
Email Us: imports@cbsmco.com
Call Us: +1 (407) 857-8814 (Orlando) +1 (656) 207-5567 (Tampa)
Visit Us at the Signature Flight Support Building right next to the Orlando International Airport or the North Westshore Building near Tampa International Airport.